By the numbers
22,217 | girl members | |
2,065 | girl members served through Outreach Programs | |
8,417 | adult members |
This year, girls devoted 83,307 hours to service projects |
Highest Awards
44 | Gold Award Girl Scouts | |
317 | Silver Award Girl Scouts | |
829 | Bronze Award Girl Scouts |
2,558 | girls attend camp | |
1,007 | new campers | |
$229,774 | Brought in from 50 GSCO property reservations by outside users |
Product Programs
4,680,804 | packages of cookies sold | |
62,878 | packages of cookies donated to Hometown Heroes and Gift of Caring | |
$3,191,253 | earned by troops |
7,040 | volunteers | |
309,636 | volunteer hours projected | |
173 | adult in-person trainings, as well as 1,664 individual virtual trainings |
120 | Full-time staff members working at offices in Colorado Springs, Denver, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, Pueblo, at GSCO camp properties, and remotely in the communities we serve |
13,886 | Facebook followers | |
4,788 | Twitter followers | |
2,798 | Instagram followers | |
154,205 | users at |